Orders of Service
Make it personal...
As most Funeral Directors outsource their printing work,
they typically require your service running order, photographs, donation link etc
a week before the service. When you have so many decisions to make
this isn't always a deadline that's possible for families to adhere to.​
But I can help you.
"Take out the middle man.
Let me design it for you."
I work directly with my families, which is not only time efficient, but cost effective too.
I offer a wide selection of designs with options for all budgets.
I also produce a digital copy of the booklet / card to send to those watching the service from home.
This is something your Funeral Director is unlikely to offer.
Flip through the below slideshow for a list of prices
and information regarding my design and printing services.
Below are various designs I have created for my families, which include:
Order of Service Booklets ♡ A5 Cards ♡ Hymn Sheets ♡ Babies & Children
Each design is available as 2-page, 4 page, 8-page and 12-page card booklets.
Each are amended to suit your requirements and number of photographs included.​
Sometimes, less is more.
My A5 cards are perfect when you don't wish to include multiple photographs.
These are an elegant piece of stationary: stunning in black and white or in full colour.